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With a tip of the hat to Virginia Woolf, William Faulkner and Dennis Miller; as I drove from Katy TX to the West side of Houston, I watched through the side-windshield of the Mobile Command Center traveling at 75 mph the freeway at the lines going by me in the rear view mirror and reflecting on the stainless steal during a thunderstorm my thoughts also traveled. .. .. .. .. Why does Government move so slowly? A wise man once told me it was to protect the people from government moving to quickly. I have pondered this thought for many years now, and then, I realized I disagree. Let us look a change I thought. What is change? Why is there change? Why do we as a species fear change? Ever watch the Liberal Administration change everything that the former Right Wingers did? If people as in human beings, like everything nice and orderly, uninterrupted and do not like too much change too quickly, then why do we do it sometimes and other times not at all? After all we the people are the voters and we (not me, everyone else) does not want too much change to quickly, it is disruptive and screws up peoples long-term goals. People are seemly slow to adapt, at least most people and incredible shifts in wealth of common citizens are lost during times of rapid change. Mostly because every little change really affects 20 different industries in some way or another. Nothing is singular in that regard. Changes in policy are never thought through the fifteen chess moves in advance, yet all should be, but not in a committee of self interested and motivated people looking for personal financial gain. That is short sided because if the economy is hurt every one loses; it is not a zero sum game including those who are only concerned with their own self interests. Every government collecting tax and fee revenues; every citizen in cash flow, income, interest and growth earnings; and corporations due to less buyers in the market place for their goods, knowledge and services, thus hurting their growth cycle product curves (if you believe in that stuff, and cannot adapt your product in real time). Even the Federal Reserve System is hurt in reputation, since it must fix the badly managed business policies of yesterday. Sometimes it takes 10 years for us to see a terrible adverse affect caused by arbitrary rule making policies to help an industry group or wealthy political contributor, such as an Enron, not that I care about particular events or rational for them, since the results we can deal with in our industry either way. If a Democrat gets in we have a strategy and if a republican gets in we have another. If one sector goes up we move another direction. Problem is when the pendulum swung too far left, we see the Right wing move back in to fix the damage and change things the other direction? Then that move goes to far and thus the power struggle never ceases? .. .. I think it was very good that the Bush administration honored Bobby Kennedy with the Justice Building, good PR move. That may help narrow the gap and help people with the appearance that the middle is being worked towards and therefore put them at ease. Movie industry elected Clinton. In Johnsons election the defense contractors ponyed up to get him in. I think the Kennedy building naming was appropriate after all we do need justice, the Kennedy Family has given a lot of service to this country.. .. .. We need justice, that is a good thing too for our checks and balances for the most part, yet if you read books like Bob Woodward writes of five Presidents we see the power struggle and political environment makes any administration in effective in their goals, which presumably are to be that of the people. Yet since the people do not understand the Iran Contra Affair or why powerful men may need a blow job once in awhile, we make a mockery of our selves? Then we get nothing done. Think how stupid this makes us look in the World? Think about this, I talked to a Vietnamese Lady about the Clinton Lewinstky deal. She said I think the people of America should be happy that Clinton saved the taxpayers money and got a free blowjob. Then went on to ask me why our government did not provide women for our president. I laughed, and then thought in any other country they would have provided women for the Presidents or ruling parties leaders. Interesting our moralistic approach to things and how others perceive these types of issues. I think the media is the most to blame. .. .. We tried to get over water gate and bring respect to the Executive Branch, Bush is getting up early and wearing a tie and has done well in that regard, he, like Regan is making me for one proud to be an American again. We seem to think that every little thing now is a scandal, I bet it will be brought up that Enron since they funded Bushes campaign to a large degree will hurt his image, with Presidents the media is in search and tries to make every little thing look and considered a scandal. How can the Executive branch operate effectively if every thing that happens has to be first considered how the media will play it? And every word interpreted over and over again, I like Bush and his straight talk when he just answers questions without a speech. Like the other day, what will happen if Sadam does not comply with required inspections, answer; Oh He Will Find out. That is what America likes, we like realness and not sugar coat. .. .. It is great to perfect speeches and delivered with perfection and there is a definite time for that as well, and that is the spokesman for the American people. .. .. Hey face it, shit happens and Events occur and as Billy Joel would say, we did not start the fire. .. .. Forget about the reality of perfectly written laws, because nothing is cut and dry, it is all gray at that level of management and why do make our Executive branch factor into the equation what the media or Executive Justice Department prosecutors might say. That is just minutia and clouds the issues of what is best for the people and disregards the age old issues of Does the means justify the ends. .. .. Well after this last terrorist acts, does anyone still want to argue that issue of means and ends with me? .. .. It is clear that there are way too many attorneys in the World arguing over questionable definitions of laws and cases which preceded under judges who were elected in a political environment, thus making the checks and balances system totally invalid. .. .. There are so many problems with our perceived perfect checks and balances system, that I cannot use the exact model government that knowingly works, to create a franchise agreement for future governments of the world and standardize all countries as franchises of one World government operating equally as a team but together, yet separate entities. .. .. The US model appears on the surface to be the most efficient so far and obviously we have proved over time the best to promote a middle class and thus a market for goods and services and sustainable enterprise. .. .. So then if we can simply tweak our current system by reducing the number of participants who we call congressmen and re-align districts to serve the geographical needs of people in those areas by way of singular knowing representatives who are volunteers and do receive moderate compensation and not beholden to contributors only beholden to the people of the region. Not necessarily suggesting the removal or boundary changing of states (yet). .. .. Although over time it will become rather apparent that the boundaries of the states in this United States clearly are miss-drawn with regards to helping the most people with the fewest resources, do not take my word for it ask Jack Welch what he would do to fix it, if he were allowed to. (United Countries is a better definition). They are drawn as bad as some congressional districts I have seen. .. .. Also change is needed in the fairness of the court system, and then we can have a real viable system of government. After that is complete we will have a near perfect system and model that is sustainable and able to be duplicated and replicated using a franchise model so that all countries can use the same format and one which works with the least amount of infighting, betterment of citizenry, extended markets for World trade and currency and the least possible chance of civil up rising. .. .. Of course many things will have to change and those may take time for instance the cash crop of Afghanistan (poppies). .. .. Once the model is set then that viable system can be duplicated in places all over the world, because we will have fixed what little is wrong with our own methods and thus be able to produce a standard method of operations which works, .. .. (like an operations manual) that is the basis for modeling a franchise and that is what our current government most resembles, A Franchise System. .. .. Therefore we use this to create a system where everything is standardized including monetary system. .. .. We can do this slowly and without fear from participants or people, who fear change due to religious beliefs, media hysteria and to much skeptism and paranoia. We can then institute better systems begin to eliminate overbearing governmental control over certain unneeded agencies, reduce waste, expenses and cut un-necessary administration costs associated with promoting and delivering of non-essentials to people at exorbitant costs to tax-payers and thus eliminate all but the most essential taxes to protect our people. .. .. We can redo this slowly on a ten-twenty year plan. .. .. But to do so we need help and re-make of our legal system and their perceived objectives. Why is it that we allow attorneys to sue companies that make up our tax base through job payroll contributions, extract millions of dollars to line their pockets in class action lawsuits only to give a couple of dollars to each person who does not even care and many times the lawyers lose most of the one or two dollars in administration of the lawsuit its self; proving class, and distributing checks in the mail. It wastes time in courts and costs us and tax payers millions of dollars per year. .. .. Hats off by the way to Microsoft for their settlement with their many class action lawsuits, shame on any judge who does not see this as a win win, typical, California will not like it, they are like Mikey they wont eat anything. .. .. If this alone were not bad enough, let us look at Ford Motor Company and the Firestone fiasco, nearly ruining two great American traditions and causing countless job loss. Who won? Nobody. .. ..Now that times have been lean in Auto Industry for 9 months the motor cpompanys 10 Billion Dollars of retained earnings is depleted and they go and barrow from were to make up the deficit? The employees retirement contribution funds. Then they go and barrow more elsewhere at a time when their credit rating has slipped to BBB+. Terrible I tell you. And what else? Our own government sues them, the FTC and the DOT and not a worse time when they need to compete and that hurts them when the automakers are helping revive American consumer spending through the O/O financing. And when we make them too weak, we hurt them abroad against foreign companies who institute trade barriers, barriers to enter markets, extra taxation and even the EU will bring suit for some thing, they never know what, they just think of something which hurts the stock price of American companies and their earning potential, and mom and pop who have stock. .. .. We should stick up for American companies, not hurt them. .. .. I ought to know having battled the FTC, boy did they hurt the consumer in that deal, wow. Right at a time when foreign competitors take future market share from us, due to our being dead in the water for a brief spell fighting words based on in house, American based competitors. Foreign marketers coming into new markets copying our systems around the globe. .. ..We watch the FAA, FCC, and other agencies go after American business. We watch our justice system attack the Presidency and its institution, making a mockery of us to the World. .. .. I really do not care if Clinton got a blowjob or ten, I mean I wish he would not have done that, but I just do not care to know even when he did. .. .. I really do not care if our CIA or Regan Administration thought that the best way to get money and guns to US freindlys was to do it sneakily without anyones knowledge. We need certain things to happen and Oliver North took the fall and he is a hero. .. .. Any department set up by the justice department to prosecute the Executive branch, ought not to have an agenda or have the leadership of resumes that are so grossly contrary to the that current administration. If the resumes of the prosecutors are twenty years of political opposition to the powers to be then they should not be allowed to prosecute because they obviously have an axe to grind. .. .. .. But, this type of review should not only be to those looking after the executive branch. Those in other departments such as the FCC, FTC, FDA, DOT, FBI, SEC ought to have all prosecutors coming from private sector in Industry, retired entrepreneurs, not seasoned students who think they know everything and wanting to change the World with their Liberal views. That is dangerous to capitalism, and they clearly do not understand what it takes to win in business, war, politics or sports and if they do, why on Earth are they slamming the same team? .. .. .. If you look at sports and look at who is watching over the players you will see for the most part it is former players and coaches who understand the beast. The man with that much testosterone will have a much different level of rule abidance than the average citizen. Not saying that rules should not be followed at all, but that those who possess above average anything have different physical make-ups with regards to genetics, amounts of and percentages of chemicals naturally found in their brains at anytime and of course a different set of experiences and a different peer group, not even getting into the other psychological attributes developed after being the best, falling down getting back up and repeating such a vicious circle again and again. It takes one to know one. If we continually condemn those of this species in our quest for obedience and sameness, then in the end we will have just that. The Borg. No one different, no one individual within the entire lot. .. .. .. Ayn Rand and others have discussed this. If you look at Communism as practiced before the fall of Russia we saw that they even allowed for this, if you were an achiever they made you an important something in the society depending on your abilities and you were given adequate credit and differential treatment. I obviously am not a communist but even they had a way to deal with this human trait, yet we are capitalists where the strong survive, yet government wants to penalize them, media vilify them and people knock them back down the mountain they climbed, Why? We should not do that, that does not promote change, innovation and achievement, which are the cornerstones of our success. .. .. Thoughts are continue. "Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs/ See Also: The Basics On T1 Line Solutions For Small Business Electrical Safety in the home Caribbean Cruise Lines 1080p HDTV Sets have Started to Emerge - Should You Opt for One? |
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